Be Disclaimed

"It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge."
Enrico Fermi

April 16, 2006


Why the title? Well this is stupidly long. Why? Well I took a couple of days off from reading blogs, and when I did get round to it there were quite a few posts worthy of mention. Admittedly there are a lot from Western Resistance, but they have a lot to say.

Isaac Schrödinger considers the
Ultimate Act of Blasphemy. Islamic law denies basic human rights.

Article 18.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

Also relevant is Article 30:

"Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein."
Quotes from the UN

Isaac Schrödinger has a piece on
Islamic discipline.

Also a piece on how Saudis treat
their foreign workers.

Apparently Egyptians are going down the route towards
killing apostates. More here and Sandmonkey's take. It looks like they were all emailed. Still in Egypt, three Coptic churches in Alexandria were attacked by Muslims, 1 Christian was killed, with about a dozen more injured. Sandmonkey has more here as does Freedom for Egyptians.

Western Resistance again with reports of a rape victim who was
flogged in Bangladesh.

Another case where a woman was gang-raped due to a fatwa in Pakistan, the perpetrators of which have apparently been released without charge....
her life is now in danger.

Apparently you can marry daughters off
before they are born in Pakistan. A brave woman is fighting her 'marriage' to a man agreed when she was only 1 year old.

More on Pakistan.

In Germany, Ayhan Surucu was
convicted of the murder of his elder sister because she lived 'like a German'. Leilouta comments.

A Muslim father in Singapore
pleaded guilty to raping several of his daughters.

Looks like the Australians are trying to remove the
Imam of Lakemba Mosque in Sydney. Still in Australia, a Muslim teacher in Perth is described as peaceful apparently.

In America and interesting case involving the Oakland, California based group, the
Black Muslims.

Family abuse.

Eritrea obviously
doesn't like Christians very much. The Religious Policeman has a comment about fish.

Apparently we can't use the phrase
'Islamic Terrorism'. Why not?

Interestingly the mullah of a mosque in Naftalan, Azerbaijan has been arrested for
selling marajuana.

Apparently the Iraqi beauty queen has
resigned due to death threats.

Two more of the Muslim-led gang that for 3 weeks tortured and eventually killed a 23 year old Jewish French man, Ilan Halimi have
surrendered to the police.

In India, there have been clashes between
Shias and Sunnis.

Still in India, the 17th Century Jama Masjid mosque in New Delhi has been on the receiving end of
several explosions.

The Religious Policeman apparently hasn't been
invited to the party...not that he's that bothered.

An interesting piece for the accomodations for the
Saudi team for the World Cup.

The Big Pharaoh has
something to say.

Dangerously Subversive Dad has
something to say about the situation regarding Iran.

TottenhamLad has a competition....
Spot the 'Racist'.

Infidel Bloggers Alliance has a piece on Muhammad Abu al-Hawa, an Arab man
murdered by Palestinians and later buried in a 'traitors grave' for selling property to Jews.

More at the
Times - "The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility, saying that a similar fate awaited traitors who sold to Jews land or property in Arab east Jerusalem."

Don't vote Labour. Check
this out from BackingBlair.

Alton Towers is having RFID tags in the
visitor wristbands.

The Daily Ablution has an interesting
piece on CND amongst others.

Sky News has an interesting video on the dark side to
China's booming economy.

Apparently Russia is happy to
fund Hamas.

Samanth Burns has an interesting comment on
education...or not.

Pub Philosopher has a good piece on the 400th birthday of the British Flag on the
12th of April...known to many as the Union Jack.

A Very British Dude tells
what your car says about you.

Have a listen to the
Psychiatric Hotline. (via Mental Nurse) has a campaign :
ID Cards On Trial. Important reading. (via Not Little England).

Chicken Yoghurt has a piece on the

If you managed to read to here...CONGRATULATIONS! Go, read and inwardly digest...consider the implications. Thanks for taking an afternoon out of your schedule to read this. I'll try not to do it again.

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